South Dakota USA Bassin Events

May 28, 2023, tournament hours 6:00AM - 2:00PM. Try to be at the Public ramp at least 30 min prior to blast off. Position draw will be that morning and boat check will happen before entering water. If possible pre-registration is encouraged. Venmo will be used for payback, and accepted for payment of all fees. You can also pay for your membership and tournament on this site. $100.00 covers team and Lunker per tournament.



U.S.A. BASSIN is an amateur bass fishing tournament trail that promotes a family-friendly atmosphere where singles, teams, co-ed and youth can experience competitive angling at an affordable price.


U.S.A. BASSIN's vision is to provide fishing tournaments in every state across the country to become the leading amateur tournament trail.


  • Affordability. We value low membership and tournament fees to keep our trail affordable for anglers of all ages.
  • Family-friendly. We value a family-friendly atmosphere that promotes togetherness and fun for all those involved.
  • Fairness. We value fairness across all aspects of our organization to ensure everyone is treated equally and follows the rules.
  • Outreach. We value giving back to each community we partner with by promoting local shops and hotels in the area.
  • Conservation. We value the conservation of our resources and our sport, and have partnered with Protect The Harvest to help make this possible.


U.S.A. BASSIN offers low membership fees of $30.00 per adult and free to youth under the age of 18 before August 31st of every season. These memberships include the right to fish any U.S.A. BASSIN tournament for that season. Tournament entry fees start at $25.00 for a weeknight, and $50.00 for a weekend per boat/team. This makes U.S.A. BASSIN very affordable and fun for everyone!


U.S.A. BASSIN offers both open and member-only tournaments throughout the course of the season. Open tournaments allow anglers to test out the waters with U.S.A. BASSIN before jumping right into being a member. It is also a cheaper alternative because anglers do not have to pay membership fees to fish in these open tournaments.

Member-only tournaments, on the other hand, offer great opportunities that nonmembers cannot get. For instance, members fish for points that qualify them for Classic Week and a chance at winning a brand new boat! Members also have the chance at winning other prizes and awards that are not available for nonmembers.


Teams may consist of one person or a maximum of two persons. All teams that finish the season with 250 points or more in the National Point Standings shall be eligible to fish a U.S.A. BASSIN Regional Tournament of their choice and may fish in more than one Regional Tournament. If you are fishing more than one division and qualified for a USA BASSIN Regional Tournament using two different partners, you may choose which partner you wish to take to the Regional Tournament. The other partner may fish a U.S.A. BASSIN Regional Tournament solo or you may fish in another Regional using that partner.


Next Generation Teams may consist of either an adult and a youth or two youths (one of the youth’s must be at least 16 years of age or older). All Next Generation teams that finish the season with 150 points or more in the National Point Standings shall be eligible to fish in The Next Generation Classic event. Teams that finish the Season with 250 points or more shall be eligible to fish both the Next Generation Classic and the Regional event of their choice.


Teams consisting of a male/female participant will be a Co-Ed. Team All Co-Ed teams that finish the season with 150 points or more in the National Point Standings shall be eligible to fish in The Co-Ed Classic event. Teams that finish the Season with 250 points or more shall be eligible to fish both the Co-Ed Classic and a Regional event of their choice.



Big Girl Baits